- +For Die Puppenfestung
- Alle Zonen
- AAC Cruiserweight
- AAC Light-Heavyweight
- Futures Rewritten
- Ultimates (Legacy)
- Trials II (Extreme)
- Trials I (Extreme)
- Trials (Unreal)
- Dungeons (Endgame)
- Alliance Raids (Chaotic)
- Jeuno: The First Walk
- Dungeons (Criterion Legacy)
- Delubrum Reginae
- +Endwalker
- +Schattenbringer
- +Stormblood
- Heldenlied von Ultima
- Endlose Schatten von Bahamut
- Dungeons (Endgame)
- Prüfungen (extrem)
- Omega: Alphametrie (Episch)
- Omega: Sigmametrie (Episch)
- Omega: Deltametrie (Episch)
- Kloster von Orbonne
- Richtfeuer von Ridorana
- Rabanastre
- Omega: Alphametrie (Story)
- Omega: Sigmametrie (Story)
- Omega: Deltametrie (Story)
- +Heavensward
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Officers in the guild can click empty squares to designate a character as being on the bench for the entire night. Benched players show up with a gold background.
| Att.%
| ||
Akiho Hiroto | 50% | 1 | |
Alistia Asher | 50% | 1 | |
Aoi Mabito | 50% | 1 | |
Apache Kafka | 100% | 1 | 1 |
Apathy Ellecon | 50% | 1 | |
Atsuko Nanashi | 50% | 1 | |
Aurora Stellamaris | 50% | 1 | |
Bekisa Raijin | 50% | 1 | |
Bujir Qerel | 50% | 1 | |
Cithara Sagitta | 100% | 1 | 1 |
Crystalle Blaze | 50% | 1 | |
Doctor Beatbox | 50% | 1 | |
Erik Mccloud | 50% | 1 | |
Flux Denisty | 50% | 1 | |
Freja Juli | 50% | 1 | |
Incorrigible Kitty | 50% | 1 | |
Jon Weekends | 50% | 1 | |
Kalah Cat | 50% | 1 | |
Kappa Inc | 50% | 1 | |
Kolnavi Draycen | 50% | 1 | |
Lulled King | 50% | 1 | |
Lunara Starr | 50% | 1 | |
Lydia Farron | 50% | 1 | |
Madgalen Sathington | 50% | 1 | |
Marxist Mushroom | 50% | 1 | |
Nemora Starwell | 50% | 1 | |
Noelle Moghart | 50% | 1 | |
Nohime Oda | 50% | 1 | |
Oats Kobayashi | 50% | 1 | |
Peace Walker | 50% | 1 | |
Phantom L' | 50% | 1 | |
Raiuny Raiden | 100% | 1 | 1 |
Runite Alphonze | 50% | 1 | |
Sarin Kawauso | 50% | 1 | |
Shiny Yarazyn | 100% | 1 | 1 |
Shiv Seven | 50% | 1 | |
Sindria Stormscale | 50% | 1 | |
Sol Cinder | 50% | 1 | |
Tal Garn | 50% | 1 | |
Tank Privilege | 50% | 1 | |
Telos Lunaris | 50% | 1 | |
Tevrik Avathon | 50% | 1 | |
Tick Effect | 50% | 1 | |
Titan Qore | 50% | 1 | |
Y'dyalani Arashi | 50% | 1 |